This is the time of year most homeowners focus on de-cluttering and sprucing up their space. Take into account the Stay Home Work Safe Executive Order (more time in our home environment) and rapid spread of Coronavirus (germs, germs, germs) and we’re all ready to take Spring Cleaning to the next level!
Supreme Power Wash is here to do just that. Let us use our specialized cleaning detergents and algaecides to treat and eliminate the dirt, debris, rust, mold, mildew and algae from your exterior surfaces. Not only will these designated surfaces be disinfected, but the eyesores will also be removed.
What are you waiting for? Reach out to us today to let us know where you want us to start. We specialize in the following:
>Roof >Driveway
>Retaining Walls >Siding
>Pool Tile >Gutters
Please note that we are following social distancing protocols for workers and customers with guidance from the Department of Public Health. We hope that each of you stay healthy and safe during this pandemic and look forward to servicing you shortly.